November 30th Wind Storm
Saturday, December 17, 2011
I was in the middle of writing my blog on November 30th, when the power went out in our house. Looking outside my window, I noticed the power was out on many other houses. I could hear the sound of the winds blowing outside and could see the trees swaying on the sidewalk. I figured it was just a regular wind storm and went to bed. Little did I know that the winds hit as high as 97mph and that the power was out for over two hundred thousand people. When I woke up in the morning to head out to work, I could see the damage done to our city:
Driving by the devestation throughout our city, I was called by one of my office staff. She basically told me that our new office construction was “blown down.” I hastily told her I would be there as soon as I had things wrapped up at home. I drove to the construction site to find this:
I just stood there in silence trying absorb everything. All this damage would set me back some … it would also delay our anticipated move from our “older office” to this “new office.” The next few days would be quite difficult – the power remained out at my residence and area for 6 long nights, where temperatures indoors would hit as low as 38 degrees…